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FXGD3 FlexSecure Gel Doc imaging System

FXGD3 FlexSecure Gel Doc imaging System

The new generation, entry-level G:Box F3 gel doc system with high resolution camera for all fluorescence requirements.


SKU:FXGD3 imaging unit

Regular price $11,847.00 USD
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FXGD3 gel doc system with high resolution camera for all fluorescence requirements.

Versatile high-resolution gel doc

An entry-level system for imaging fluorescence and visible applications, the FXGD3 gel doc is the ideal solution for your laboratory. 

Using your choice of dyes or stains, the FXGD3 automatically selects the proper lighting and filters to detect close bands on both small and large gels. This system is the ultimate in gel doc flexibility when choosing white light options for Coomassie Blue, UV and blue lighting options, ethidium bromide or SYBR® Safe gels.

The stylish and modular designed FXGD3 gel doc system includes a high resolution 5m pixel camera which is capable of giving outstanding images with incredible spatial resolution as well as a motor-driven zoom lens and a motor-driven filter wheel and feedback lens, allowing you to optimise your image capture using user protocols.

The system is controlled by GelSys application-driven image capture software and comes complete with unlimited copies of GelTools analysis software.


The FXGD3 imaging system includes:

  • The mainframe equipment
  • UV Transilluminator (25x30cm; 302nm)
  • Visible light converter (Silver Stain, Coomassie Blue)
  • UV to Blue Light converter, suitable for 'safe' dyes (GFP, SYBRGreen, SYPRGold, SYBRSafe, SYPRORuby)

The FXGD3 imaging unit includes:

The mainframe equipment, order the Transilluminator, Visible light converter, and Blue Light converter separately.


Image Resolution


Effective Resolution



12/16 bit




Zoom F1.2 with lens feedback option (motor driven)

Filter Wheel

7-Position Motor Driven

UV Filter


Use with external PC and Printer

Yes (not included)

Lighting (included)

Epi LED White Lights

Lighting (optional)

Epi UV Short, Medium and Long wave

Visible Light Converter (33x31cm)

White light pad for visble stains (20x14cm)

UltraBright LED Blue Light

Transilluminator (20x16cm)

20x20cm or 25x30cm

Short. Medium or Long wave or dual wavelength

Max Image Area


Min Image Area






Power input (V)
